The 5 Most Critical Tests in Gas Fireplace Maintenance
Regular maintenance is critical to a safe and proper functioning gas fireplace. An annual tune-up will guarantee that the fireplace will function reliably and beautifully. The All Seasons Fireplace tune-up procedure includes a 20 point check of the vital parts of the appliance. In this post we will discuss the 5 most critical parts of the tune-up procedure.
Your gas fireplace is unique to the other appliances in your home. In order to keep it functioning you'll need to schedule annual maintenance. An annual tune up will extend the life of your fireplace and will make it function most effectively and efficiently. While you'll need to learn how to replace the batteries in your remote and your receiver, you will probably want to leave the more technical procedures to an expert.
You can view a video on replacing the batteries in this Valor video
When your fireplace is not in use, spiders and dust clog up the controls and may prevent proper ignition in the fall. A properly trained technician will do a complete check of the valves and ignition system, clean and reset the logs and media, add to ember bed and test the gas line.
These are the 5 most critical steps we take to tune-up your gas fireplace.
- Test the gas line This is most important part of the tune-up and you want to make sure you hire a technician with the skill to measure and adjust the gas pressure. Not only will he or she make sure the lines are not leaking but he or she will adjust the gas to pressure so that fireplace functions smoothly and safely.
- Clean and Inspect the pilot assembly The pilot assembly can make a nice home for spiders in the summer months and these little critters can take the spark out of your fire if left unattended.
- Check thermocouple millivolts The thermocouple is a sensor that senses when the pilot light is burning- output levels should be between 25-35 millivolts.
- Check ignition control sequence This is a system of flame sensors and valves that allows the fireplace to light.
- Check operation of safety controls Most modern fireplaces have safety shut off systems in place in case of malfunction. Your technician should check these systems during the inspection.