Linear Fireplaces form an Island in Collaborative Work Space

Pope Architects designed this new space for Space Center to celebrate their 100 year anniversary.  

    One of the most rewarding parts of doing business is meeting nice people along the way. And, as everyone knows, Minnesota is known for our nice people. A few weeks ago I had the pleasure of touring the new office space at Space Center. Pope Architects, Siegfried Construction and European Home/Element 4 were our partners on this project.


   Doug George gave me the low down on the project and outlined the rich history of the 100 year old business.

   Central to the design was the stone and wood wall separating the offices and the common area. Doug explained that the wall represents the stone caves in Kansas City where the company has an underground industrial park and the wooden planks on the wall represent the leadership's commitment to the foundation that supports the Lee and Rose Warner Nature Center.


   Flanked by etched glass on the sliding barn doors and on the walls of the conference room, the design features a fireplace island of two Element 4 Trisore units that can be enjoyed from the individual offices as well as the common area where employees have access to the kitchen and the collaborative work space.


In 1916, Space Center, Inc. began with a single warehouse location in Saint Paul, Minnesota, known as the Terminal Warehouse Company. With that single warehouse as a launching pad, Space Center expanded through the years into major distribution markets across the entire United States. As they near their 100th anniversary, Space Center’s varied holdings now include traditional warehousing and industrial buildings as well as distribution centers, a 150 acre, multi-tenant, underground industrial park in Kansas City and a former U.S. Air Force base in California’s Inland Empire near Los Angeles.

We wish Space Center another 100 years of success!

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