Benefits of Gas Fireplace Inserts

Gas fireplace inserts are a great way to add convenience and value to your home. As a company that installs gas fireplace inserts in the Twin Cities and the surrounding suburbs, we know how much they can benefit your home. Here are a few of our favorite reasons why we think they could improve your lifestyle.
If your house has a masonry fireplace, a gas insert is a relatively fast and easy update. The insert is placed directly into your existing fireplace opening. Most of the manufacturers offer sizes that are compatible with the sizes of masonry fireplaces. They can also be a good solution for failing chimney liners because you will avoid costly internal masonry repairs.
The sealed combustion system is another money saving opportunity. When you burn a wood burning fireplace the fireplace uses room air for combustion. If your furnace is running while you are burning a wood burning fireplace, you are sending this heated air right out of your house.
A sealed combustion system in a gas fireplace draws outside air in to the fireplace chamber to fuel the fire which is more efficient and ultimately allows you to turn down your furnace while your fireplace is burning. Some people refer to this as zone heating. A gas fireplace can warm the room that you are using at the time that you are using it.
Gas inserts are an excellent way to take advantage of zone heating. You can heat your living room (or wherever your fireplace is located) and keep that room nice and toasty only when you are using the room. This is a great way to save some money on your heating bills throughout the winter months.
Add Some Beauty
Fireplace inserts add beauty and a focal point to any room. For as long as families have gathered together, they have enjoyed the cozy atmosphere created by a fireplace. A gas fireplace will provide this opportunity any time of the day and for any period of time. There will be no need to calculate how long you will be home to enjoy the fire or worry about extinguishing the fire before you leave the room. Or you can curl up near it on your own with a good book. With a group or alone, a fireplace offers an experience of relaxation that is necessary for recovery from the stress we experience in our fast paced world.
You don’t have to worry about chopping wood or buying fuel. You do not have to feed any fuel into gas fireplace inserts. Just turn your fireplace on and off with the flick of a switch. Natural gas is one of the most abundant and easy to deliver fuels. Enjoying a fire in your fireplace has never been easier!
Safe, Clean and Easy to Maintain
One of the best parts about gas fireplace inserts is that they are clean and easy to maintain. You don’t have to call in a chimney sweep to clean your chimney. You don’t have to worry about soot or creosote building up in your chimney either. You should have gas fireplace inserts inspected and cleaned annually to keep them running efficiently and beautifully.
Earth Friendly
Gas fireplace inserts do not produce a lot of smoke or other sources of pollution. So they are an eco-friendly way to enjoy the comfort of a fire without worrying about your carbon footprint and the impact you are having on the environment.
Call us at All Seasons Fireplace at 952-546-6162 or you can contact us to Schedule Your Consultation.